ICOS Near Real-Time (Level 1) Ecosystem data, growing time series from latest Level 2 release


Near Real-Time (NRT, Level 1) data is not the final highest quality ICOS data. This data is generated using only completely automated quality control procedures. These NRT time series are generated within 24 hours after measurement and will not be updated later using improved information or become completed with missing data. For your analysis and publications we recommend to use the final completely quality controlled and flagged (Level 2) data that is released with a delay between 6-12 months, that includes all corrections and maximum completion of missing data, also listed in our data products catalog.

Near Real-Time growing time series containing data from the atmospheric network of ICOS Research Infrastructure for the stations shown below in the tables. This collection contains measurements from currently (November 2023) 38 ICOS Ecosystem measurements stations, starting from the latest date of final released Level 2 data or the date of labelling. 

Measurements have been collected using the following instructions:


Station FC NEE LE H
Station TA P RH SW_IN
ICOS Ecosystem Network